Minggu, 24 April 2011

Why Do the Moon and the Sun Never Appear Together ?

Long , long ago , the Sun and the Moon lived happily together in the sky . They always appeared together during the day and night .
One day , the Sun shone brightly that is almost burned the Moon . The sunlight hurt the Moon's eyes very much . This made the Moon blind .
The Moon left the Sun although the Sun had apologized to the Moon .
The Sun loved the Moon very much , so he chased her . He chased and chased through the years and centuries but he has never caught the Moon .
That's why the Sun shines during the day and at night the Moon appears . They will never reunite again .

sebenernya gak sengaja baca cerita narative ini di buku cetak  bahasa inggris hehehe , setelah di baca2 kok kayaknya ada yang gimana gitu , yaaah kalo di resapi secara mendalam ternyata inti ceritanya ttg matahari yang sayaaang banget sama bulan , tapi suatu ketika matahari melakukan suatu keselahan yang menyebabkan bulan terluka dan akhirnya pergi menghindari matahari .. matahari juga udah minta maaf , tapi bulan udah terlanjur pergi :)
sebesar apapun usaha yang di lakuin sama matahari gak bisa bikin bulan kembali lagi ..
kasian ya matahari .. gak di kasih kesempatan sama bulan buat memperbaiki kesalahannya , padahal sebenarnya semua masalah kalau di selesaikan dgn jalan yang benar pasti akan berakhir dengan manis . Cerita Matahari sama Bulan tadi sih sebenernya lebih sering terjadi pada kehidupan manusia sehari-hari , entah itu dalam kisah persahabatan , ataupun percintaan . Lebih banyak orang menghindari masalah , bukan menyelesaikannya . Memaafkan kesalahan pun sepertinya sulit dilakukan , hmmf padahal kita sendiri sebagai manusia memang di kodratkan bukan menjadi manusia yang sempurna .

Jumat, 22 April 2011

i fight all this tears

tonight this critic and this trust
i'm going no where fast cause
i lead when i sing about my past
i'm writing just to let u know

some how hard days stumble and stick
no one will understand so fast
everyone's ready for there own jokes
it's getting stranger then i thought

my scream will fight this all tears
i spread my wings and i learn to fly
out off the darkness i'll rise
trying to make a change

i'm blind i really fuck up and drown
got my past full of lies

i'm having trouble saying that i don't know a thing
i try my best grab my soul
and leave with dead poet

everyone dies, every one love a fight
nothing is sound, nothing in right side right
nothing in the world could fail me now
i'm running down a life that won't cash out
one more, one more, one more minute
sinking quick sand eyes
made for an heavy sight
now go to sleep
nightmare make this all looks so creepy

take me..
it make me lost and blurry
and who's gonna save me
help me.. she try to kill me..

fight fight ... u got to fight all this tears
put a nail into ur heart
fight fight ... u got to fight all this tears
i know u know
fight fight ... u got to fight all this tears
what we fight for
fight fight ... u got to fight all this tears

now tie me to a chair..are u sure ?
and im awake..u wake ?
is hard for me to make believe wake up ?
we got to fight this all tears

Kamis, 21 April 2011

say hello °\(´▽`)/°


gak tau bingung mau cuap-cuap apaa niih , huks , yaah masak baru pertama kali  nge-blog udah mau cerita yang menye-menye galau gak jelas gitu , kan gak asyik yaaah ..
em am em ,
perkenalan diri aja deh yaaa #maunulisbiodatakayajamanSD hahaha 
nama : almira delarizka
nama beken : delaaah ( panggilan alay dari asisusbauprengus )
TTL : 22 Desember 1994
MaFa : kabeh pakanan tak emplok
MiFa : kabeh mimik'an tak mimik ( bosone mawut )

truuus apa ya apa yaaa , aah yaa hidupku biasa aja lah , kayak anak2 (red : remaja tuo deng) yang lain nya .. em am emm , aku cuman punya rumah 3 lantai , mobil cuman 8 , motor cuman 1 dealer ( HLAPO MBAHKU PRESIDEN  ! ) , enggaaak enggak .. aku cuman punya mamah papah kakek nenek tante om sodara sodara keponakan keponakan .. pokoknya aku punyaa a big big family wes , nek di kumpulke sak omah bakalan rak cukup ( <--- lebay , hla wong dikumpulke ne ng omah pitik og , yo ra cukup yaa )
ohya aku anak tunggal , gak punya kaka gak punya adek , kata orang2 enak yaa , tp ya gimana ya ada enaknya ada enggaknya lah ..

udahan segini dulu ya ceritanya , perkenalan gitcu deh ..  salaam kenal yaa , oyaa siap2 kuping ya bloggy .. kayaknya aku bakalaan banyaaak banget cerita disini hihii smooch :3